The next day...

Left side of the room... with a window. Other side was curtained off, I don't think anybody was there though.

When I awoke it was already quite bright outside... I think my mom was there when I woke up, and a nurse. My mother helped me get up and stand on a scale... already, it had gotten even harder to stand.

Keep in mind, I don't know what order anything happened in. I'm just using basic logic to piece together my memories.

I was presented with this HUUUUUUGE thing of... uh... something... that I had to drink before getting a CT scan. Or a CAT scan. Or whatever. I think I kinda laughed at the amount. Noooo way could they get that much in me, I don't think I could drink that much on a normal day, without the problem of my throat. So, here goes one of the gross parts of my story :p The nuse said I could either drink it regularly, or it could be, erm, fed to me through my nose.

Gah, the horror! Anyway, there was nothing I could do :P A thin straw was stuck down my nose into my stomach & some liquid was pumped into it. But... it felt weird, like something was still blocking it... and I couldn't stand it.. .I kinda coughed a bit & tried to hold back, but I threw up.

Yeah, it was pretty disgusting. I swear I saw something red... I thought it was blood, but I didn't look... I was assisted in standing up again, changed, my bed sheets were changed... and I had to stand all that time, with the gross feeling I had from what just happened, and my weak legs...

I don't remember what happened after that. I never ingested all that stuff, I don't think. But I think I went down for the test anyways. I don't remember anything about this one... even though it's in the very back of my mind, and I remember remembering it... it's not there anymore.

The nuse and my mom left me...and I watched the clock for hours. And my monitors. And as time passed, my lungs felt worse and worse... I'm actually on the verge of having an asthma attack just thinking of what happened in this time.

I hyperventilated. I tried to remain as calm as I could... but I was hyperventilating, for what seemed to be hours. I kept watching the clock, and my monitors... keeping an eye on everything, wondering what was going on, wondering why I couldn't breathe. I didn't know I had a call button. I just tried to keep myself calm, and by then had taught myself how to breathe in the slowest, shallowest way that wouldn't make me feel like I was going mad. And all I could really do was wait, and try not to panic.

A woman came in with breakfast, & I thought she was insane... Me? I couldn't eat, and the smell made me feel like I was suffocating even moreso. I think that she was Indian or so... I had difficulty with her accent, I think she was telling me that she brought french toast. I couldn't really talk. I tried to tell her I was feeling really lightheaded & needed help or something... but she just smiled and said ok, and left me.

The door closed again... alone... and now with the smell of warm breakfast. If I were hungry, and able to breathe good, it would have been nice to eat.

I really wonder how I didn't pass out then... or maybe I did? Because I don't remember when my mom and the nurse came back. (or, another nurse, whatever).

I probably went in for more tests that day... but I can't recall any of it. Just staring at the clock. That awful, wretched clock.

Somehow morning and afternoon fade away, and I remember much of what happened that night.
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