And that night...
I was told that X-rays revealed spots in my lungs, and that they didn't know what they were.
They said it could be cancer.
I wasn't really phased at the time. Even though I knew something was severely wrong with me, I wasn't afraid, & perhaps I knew I'd be okay.
I think... a couple hours later they came back with new results (or was that other convo from the night before?) and now, they knew what was wrong.
A group of doctors explained to me this Lemierre's syndrome. I was feeling kinda flighty at the time & was relating the name "Lemierre" and me having spots in my lungs, to Sailor Moon enemy "lemures" in the season in which Mamoru has mysterious dark spots in his lungs... Sure I was half-dead at the time, but it was kind of a funny resemblance I thought ;)
It was then that the disease was described to me, and I think I was told that I had blood clots... that they were the reason for my trouble breathing, and.. my neck being totally screwed up.
I was also told that I was going to be moved to Intensive Care.
ICU? Ok, whatever, still didn't bother me.
I was given oxygen... I think just shortly after I was taken to the ICU room I was informed that I would be going in for emergency surgery.
Now, I have no idea on how time progressed in this period... my grandma & both parents were with me now... I was going in for some weird surgery to remove some junk from the veins in my neck... and all I cared about was that I would be knocked out beforehand.
I still have images in my head of my room, the very second I was being pushed out of it to go into surgery. And then... there's some place... my grandma can't come with me and my parents... they're preparing for surgery... I'm given blood... I felt gross... blood... Sigh. They talked to me a bit... asked me what kind of music I liked & I couldn't really give a straight answer... didn't care... they left.
I don't know...where I went, but for some reason before being taken in I remember hearing something about skin cancer? There was this weird darkness, a dark hallway, my memories make it look like something from Star Wars. (Really, I'd like to be able to look at some of these places I was at 'cuz my memories of them are just so demented).
Well, I leave my parents and I'm taken into the
White... silver... one of those big lights above me... or 2... I feel like I remember seeing windows, not that I could look around much.
The doctors were wearing blue... the oxygen thing was taken off and replaced with a mask type thing for a bit... They arranged things... moved me onto the operating table (whatever u wanna call it..) It was hard metal... even worse than the rock-like beds. I think I was kinda cold.
And then it would all go away... for a bit anyways. The oxygen mask was taken away & a tube was brought before me that I SWEAR had green gases coming from it (ok, maybe the green was in my imagination?) and I was told to breathe in and count backwards from 100.
Although I clearly remember passing out then, I feel like I had some memories after that... in which I could see the doctors, and I could hear them talking... What they were talking about was like gossip. I remember that. I guess to relieve tension or something, they were just talking about whatever.
I'll need a lot of input from other people to cover the next 2 weeks or so, and to piece together my order.
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